Sunday, November 24, 2019


"A documentary so well-crafted that it pinned my eyes and ears to the screen for so many hours without getting tired."

Image result for items examined in the jesus code

The existence of the most popular man that ever walked the Earth has always been believed by his followers and doubted by a number of scientists and scholars. This historical documentary shows the scientific examination of 6 relics that may prove or disprove some Biblical data that connects to Jesus.

The reports in the program are well executed and got me pinned on my screen, watching all the 16 episodes one after another unceasingly. I love how the sequences were morphed from the presentation of each relic, to experts interview, to dramatization and so on.

I also love the safe approach of the filmmaker that certainly reflects how he wanted to present facts without offending the believers of Christ and Christianity. However, if you're mind is quite sharp-eyed, you would notice how carefully this film tried to imply that religion has been used since time immemorial by some influential people to gain wealth, power, reputation and control. They even forged history to protect their own personal interest. If some Biblical characters have been forged as well is yet to be established.

I would recommend this film to both believers and doubters, It does not intend to ruin anybody's faith but I certainly believe watching this documentary will reinstate whatever faith you a believer or as an unbeliever.

Can't wait for season 2 to be available.

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