Sunday, November 24, 2019


"Meeting each other is fate but staying with each other is a choice"

Are there really soulmates or do we only make ourselves believe that they do exist? Just because we think we know a person so well because we've seen so much of her online and felt so connected with her doesn't mean we really know who she is and what she is going through. We still need to be able to spend some time with that person to know what's inside out. One thing for sure. Meeting someone is fate but staying with her is a choice.

Karter only saw Trisha's photos and videos online but he can't understand why he was so drawn to her. He doesn't have a clue who she is and where she is but he tried to figure out how he can find her with all of his power by checking her photos thoroughly. And then he was able to find some relevant pieces of images and information on her pictures that lead him to her. He just can't miss the chance to see her in person and get to know her better. So he set himself up for the search without any assurance where to begin and if he can really find what he is looking for. The search where his heart won't be able to return.

This type of movie would certainly be enjoyed by teenagers and young adults. It is very wholesome. I watched it because sometimes, I just want to feel young and in love again. And though I love flicks that can scare the shit out of me and blow my mind a bit the most. I couldn't help but check on romantic films sometimes. It feels good to perceive myself as a teenager again intermittently.

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